I played well and have settled into a handler role on the team fairly well. I don't have to be the best player on the team which is a relief. I also find a lot of pressure taken off by not captaining and just playing while focusing on my game instead of everyone else's. I had a couple stupid drops but I also had a layout D and two sky Ds on hucks, which almost never happens seeing as how I am 5'6".
Winning is always fun and at Cooler you win a cheesecow for winning your bracket. That is literally a block of cheese in the shape of a cow. Victory tastes delicious.
The weekend was made so much better because Cass came with and cheered from the sideline. It's hard for me to focus on playing when every time I do something good on the field I hear "That's my fiancee!!" We stayed with Luke and Katie and were able to hang out a bit even thought they were busy doing home remodeling things. They seemed to really like the pirate ship and sea turtle that we got for them in Topsail.
Fire game this weekend for all non-whiners and crybabies.