I haven't been myself of late.
I have been moody and volatile. In general this has a caustic affect on those around me. This is particularly troubling since in the recent past I have been surrounded by many friends and few foes.
I apologize for this as I feel that I have been at best a subpar friend. I can understand why many of you would confuse me for a malcontent and prefer to avoid my company. Please accept my deepest apologies.
The most troubling part about this is that I can find no reason to attribute this alarming shift for the morose. This is a busy time for work but I do not typically bring these troubles home. I cannot imagine what has caused my mood to sour but I honestly rather it would simply vanish than for me to discover the root of this problem.
It is also distressing that this happened in the recent past as well. For a period of a month or so I was feeling the same way. Jay's wedding seemed to bring me out of this downward spiral only to find myself in the midst of a relapse. Distressing is the only word I can think to use but I hate reusing words. I find this distressing.
I particularly feel as though I have not been a good boyfriend of late. Cass, know that you mean more to me every day and that you have never been the cause of anything but good for me.
I'm sorry. I ask you all to bear with me.
for what it's worth, I still love you even when you're a crankypants.
We need to get drunk together more I think.
I sometimes have those periods too, when I feel like a dark-Spidey-suit version of myself and don't know why. They pass after a while, and I think and hope that yours will as well.
Until then, keep your head up and let me know if you need anything.
I think you just miss the ceiling fan in your old bedroom in Brown Deer.
You're being way too hard on yourself. You've been a great boyfriend.
...oh, you meant to CASS...
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