Movie: Wall-E
I really don't know what I can say about this movie that hasn't been said. I loved the art, the characters, the story, the voice acting. I can't imagine seeing a more thoroughly enjoyable movie for some time.
Runner-Up: In Bruges
I really don't know what I can say about this movie that hasn't been said. I loved the art, the characters, the story, the voice acting. I can't imagine seeing a more thoroughly enjoyable movie for some time.
Runner-Up: In Bruges
Television: 30 Rock
Tina Fey became something of a darling during the presidential campaign for her portrayal of Sarah Palin but it is her work on 30 Rock that really shows her talent as a writer. The show is smart and fast, which is good since there are enough funny ancillary characters to generate several spin-offs.
Runner-Up: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Music: Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
It's really good music and I feel like I could listen to it with my parents, which is kind of rare for a modern band.
Runner-Up: Eagles of Death Metal - Heart On
Athlete: Michael Phelps
Hooray for big, goofy looking white guys everywhere.
Runner-Up: Usain Bolt (get it?)
Hooray for big, goofy looking white guys everywhere.
Runner-Up: Usain Bolt (get it?)
Movie: You Don't Mess with The Zohan
I didn't watch any really bad movies this year. I saw 15 minutes of this on a plane and was unimpressed. It will have to count.
Runner-Up: House Bunny (didn't see it; I dare you to prove me wrong)
TV: Kath & Kim
It is bad and not really in an interesting way.
Runner-Up: The Big Bang Theory
It is bad and not really in an interesting way.
Runner-Up: The Big Bang Theory
I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't this. The whole album sounds overproduced and there are only a few tracks worth saving.
Runner-Up: Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static (Pandora, please stop thinking I would ever want to hear Jack Johnson.)
Runner-Up: Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static (Pandora, please stop thinking I would ever want to hear Jack Johnson.)
Athlete: Brett Favre
Remember all that love I had for Favre? It will be a while before I feel that way again.
Runner-Up: Stephon Marbury