We started a Sunday night soccer team composed mostly of ultimate players. It's been a lot of fun even though we haven't found the back of the net yet. The important thing is that it is a fun group of people out enjoying themselves and each other.
Apartment hunting is not fun. Not because we aren't finding things we like, although we ain't, but because it is exhausting and dumb. We have developed a set of criteria for a new place to meet so at least now we can focus.
We went to Ed's birthday party at Buddy Guy's on Friday night and came to the conclusion that we both hate blues clubs. Blues music as a whole is something I would consider only ok and the venues are all dingy, excessively hot caves. We had a good time even though we didn't stay late partially because we ended up standing in puddles from the sweat pouring down my back.
How I did it:
Cass was napping so I removed a shoelace from one of her running shoes by the front door. I put that in my pocket with the ring. Cass awoke but was very sleepy and in a daze. I felt I had already tricked her enough to get her to date me so the least I could do was wait until she was cognizant to ask her.
We put a pizza in the oven and while it cooked Cass woke up a bit. After we pulled it out Cass was in the kitchen getting things ready. I got Charlie in the living room and tied the ring around him using the shoelace. Then I got him to run into the kitchen by tossing a toy in that direction (for the uninitiated: Charlie is fairly simple).
Cass didn't notice him until I asked her what Charlie had on him. At first she thought I was just playing a trick on him. I asked her if she could tell what was on him. She didn't really answer as she was trying to figure it out and get the thing untied. She began to understand but was asking unfinished questions like "Is it...Is it for my...Did you..." She turned around and sat on the ground. At this point I was already on one knee. She ended up lower than me so I had to kind of sink down into a seated with one knee up position.
I asked the question and she said yes, although she was kind of sleepy still and in a bit of a state of shock. We had Cass wine and dinner while she started coming out of it and everything started becoming clear for her. She was red and adorable.
And now for texts we got back from people after our announcement. Not all will be posted as we got so many. Thank you to all of you. Your support and joy mean so much.
Keep in mind that the text I sent out read "Cass just got a ring."
OMG! does this mean what i think it means!?
-Becky (Although we got some variation of this from several Damitz was the first to reply at all.) (I thought it was funny that people were confused and asked things like "so are you engaged" as if I would just randomly text them to let them know that Cass got a present.)
Oh jesus! did the beard give it 2 her?
From you?
-both Andre and Denny (who, it should be noted, have never met)
What????????!!!!!! You asked? She said yes?
-Sonal (punctuation preserved)
Congrats! If its an onion don't eat it
-Gelsthorpe (I am changing your ringtone to a rimshot Tom)
Does this mean you're BOTH off the market?
A wedding ring?? You guys are the most adorable couple ever, seriously. congratulations :)
color me not surprised. congratulations, mang!
Congrats and I call dibs on the "drunk guy" slot at the wedding
Congrats! So exciting! How'd you do it? I want to hear about it!
-Kristen Turner