Monday, January 03, 2011

And the rage goes on (2010)

Time to wrap up the year again. This was the most important year of my life so far and it's hard to imagine it being topped. But what about pop culture?


Movie: Inception
Cass and I just rewatched this and for all its flaws the movie is still incredible to watch. Good performances helped it out.
Runner-Up: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Like last year I didn't get around to seeing a lot of movies that down the line could easily become favorites (i.e. True Grit, The Social Network, others)

Television: Community
The evolution of this show has been incredible and I am in love with all of the cast members almost as much as I love all of the characters. I hope this show has many years so that we can see how the characters grow, which is the fundamental thing that happens in college.
Runner-Up: Louie

Music: Kanye West - My Dark Twisted Fantasy
For all of his flaws (and there are so so many) Kanye has never been one to release a boring album. This one is maybe his best yet although the hashtag stuff stands out a little too much.
Runner-Up: Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life

Athlete: Landon Donovan
Landycakes gave us the greatest and most unforgettable sports moment of the year and of US Soccer history. It was amazing to see live and somehow still exhilarating now. Even though the tourney didn't finish out on a high note at all the moment remains.
Runner-Up: Georges St. Pierre


Movie: Hot Tub Time Machine
It takes an especially stupid script to mess up what is at its heart a mess of a movie. The funny parts were barely funny enough to make up for all of the stupid unresolved/unnecessary side plots and pointless scenes. The ending is one of the worst I've ever seen in a film.
Runner-Up: Date Night
Again I didn't see a lot of movies so I'm sure there were worse ones made.

TV: Lost
Thanks for validating my decision to never watch the show.
Runner-Up: MTV's Teenage Pregnancy Showcase

Music: OKGo - Of the Blue Colour of the Sky
Really underwhelming with ony one or two tracks worth adding to my playlist.
Runner-Up: Nick Hornby and Ben Folds - Lonely Avenue (need to listen to this a few more times but nothing stood out)

Athlete: Brett Favre
$50,000? If any of us did that we would be facing criminal charges. It's illegal to do that. Ugh.
Runner-Up: Ben Roethlisberger is a vile scumbag.

1 comment:

TaylorStreet said...

have to take some exception to your ranking of Favre/Big Ben --- one's an awkward sender of dong shots, the other is very plausibly a repeat rapist. Not sure how the former is worse than the latter.

Otherwise enjoyable list, though I loved Hot Tub Time Machine.