Monday, October 23, 2006

Chemistry majors are ugly nerds.

Friday night was spent relaxing at Ollie and Angela's. Colin already detailed this evening including pictures that are all digital and stuff so go check that out. He's more articulate than I am anyway.

Saturday I went down to Champaign for Jay's Oktoberfest BBQ. Jay's parties are always amusing but follow the same trends. Most everyone there are chemistry grad students and divide into defined cliques. I mingle amongst those I already know and get along with and meet a few of their friends. Then we retreat and spend most of our time conversing among those of us who are outsiders into this world of U of I chemistry.

I had a good time and got to see Ross and Tom so that's always a bonus, even though Tom turned in early because he wasn't feeling well. Jay and I went 3-0 in Cornhole and only lost because we decided to throw for style (Jay went between the legs all game, I did KA-J skyhooks). We still managed to score points doing this, Jay will be the first to let you know that he scored more than me.

Tom gets the joke of the night. I was telling a group what I had left to do for my thesis. I told them that I still had to get my appendices together. Tom says "I thought you got that taken out last year." I hate you Tom.

Most significant aspect of the night was obviously the Cards win. Second most is my apparent ability to flirt and get noticed. At some point during the game I got hungry so I went outside to see if food was still on the grill. Most everyone is inside so the only one outside I know is Jay's girlfriend Val(erie)(p.s. that joke is funnier than I will get credit for). Valerie is talking to a girl I didn't know. I had to wait a bit for food and I hadn't really said "Hi" to Valerie yet so I began talking to her and this girl she is with. The conversation continues and Valerie's food readies so she leaves. I keep talking to this girl because I am not a prick and was being polite. Honest. Regardless, my food finishes as it begins raining so I advise her to seek shelter and enjoy the night if I don't see her again. I get my food and head inside.

Upon entry, I get berated by everyone I know if I enjoyed my half hour of flirting with this bird. I ignore it mostly but it comes up several times again throughout the night. Do I really not talk to girls that often and it becomes a spectacle when I do? Do I flirt that much? Is it me just focusing on this because it's about me?

Fun epilogue to this tale of heroism, I never say another word to the girl for the rest of the night. She ends up getting all handsy with one of the guys who lives at the house and puking her guts out outside in the rain for a solid fifteen minutes. I journeyed with Jay, Ross, Phil (Chem major), and two embodiments of the opposite of my fantasies to Mary Anne's for a stack at 3 a.m. Stacks are disgusting.


marthamatters said...

Good job avoiding the puking girl. To that I say "Hey! Way to go, Caleb." You don't need her.

Oliver said...

Word on the street is that you're HOT property; on heat. Women: be warned.

Jay M. said...

I'm guessing a stack is pancakes, right? Not like those weird "stack o' beef" octuple cheeseburgers. Anyway, what the hell's wrong with pancakes?

Megan said...

if I recall 'the stack' is an open face burger, hot plated, with microwaved-ish fries piled on top and melted plastic cheese drenching the whole two pound mess... and yes, it is gross. If you sell food 24 hours a day you can sell razor blade flavored rice cakes and make a bundle off em.

Martin K. said...

the above was me.

Caleb said...

Close but you're all way off.

A stack is eggs made anyway (scrambled typical), hashbrowns, and onions thrown in there all smothered in gravy.