Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I resolve to evolve.

So Florida won the National Championship. On the one hand I hate Florida schools, but on the other hand I really hate Ohio State, THE losers of the National Championship game.

In this New Year I have come to accept the following fact: I hate running. Not the act of running, but the sport of running. I know it keeps me in shape and I feel good afterwards but it kills my legs and I become ridiculously bored. No offense to Cass, my running partner and my inspiration to actually go outside most nights.

The point is that I am tricking myself to get into better shape. On a playing field during Ultimate I feel like I can run for hours but when I am just outside running I finish two miles and get annoyed so I stop. It does feel healthy so I will keep it up but in order to encourage myself to get active I am participating in as much as possible. I plan on playing in city Ultimate leagues as usual but I am also playing indoor soccer. This in addition to practicing for these sports when possible should keep me moving and in shape.

In related news, I am absolutely psyched for soccer. So to encourage the hype train here are some great clips from YouTube. Watch them at your leisure.

Thierry Henry = Better Than You

Top 10 Goals from the Premiership Season (first half)
(Number 2 is a personal favorite, but Number 1 is awesome)

Update: I posted this, and then I decided to check the weather. It is supposed to get significantly cold this next week. It's below freezing outside now (9pmish) and I would normally run in the evening so it looks like this won't be happening for a while. I better get used to the idea of using Cass's elliptical machine.


TaylorStreet said...

There's no way that you can dislike OSU more than Florida. . .granted, they do compete for "Worst State in the Union" but Columbus is a great campus town.
And Big 10 represent, dude. . what, you like the SEC? C'mon. . ..

Caleb said...

Or I can just not watch the game and root for both teams to suck.

As far as the Big 10 represent thing, I never really bought into the idea but I see your point. Big Ten went 2-5 in Bowl games this year. Wisconsin and Penn State were the only winners.

David said...