Super Bowl was fun even if the Bears couldn't manage the win. I went to two parties. Both were enjoyable and I got to spend time with a lot of friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. I did miss the halftime show. Thank god for YouTube.
Currently, what has been dominating my thoughts has been my ears. Perhaps this requires further explanation. I will make this so.
After the Super Bowl at BS, CT, and JM's, we all went outside to the square for a game of football. Good times were had by all, but some facts are worth mentioning.
-It was well below zero with the wind chill.
-I was not dressed appropriately.
-I was very drunk
-Every football game should have a bottle of whiskey in a fountain ready for access.
-The cops were called to break us up.
Every one walked away bruised and sore. Not to be self-centered except that I'm about to forget about everyone else's little wussy problems and focus on mine, but I got beaten up. My nose got cracked at some point so now it is soft, sore and swollen. My knees got rocked as my jeans provided little padding. The left was covered with frozen blood after the game. Most importantly, I was drunk and didn't think to ask to borrow a hat and instead played with nothing covering my (stupid) head.
The result of making this decision? Frozen ears, possibly frostbittten, as after returning home and showering they turned bright red and swelled up to ridiculous size. Cass snapped this picture to capture the first manifestation of my inner-monkey that has waited so long to finally make an appearance.

that is AWESOME.
nice monkey mouth action going on. side note. I was also a little drunk, and maybe took some hits to the head.
The result being that I didn't realize you needed a hat, therefore, the extra hat that was in my coat pocket the whole time for just such an occasion went unused. sorry caleb.
harry, your hands are freeeezing!!
Please use this photo for every future I.D. card you need.
Well done for getting the cops called on you. That means it was extra fun.
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