Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When you're mining for coal and you forget what coal is...

I've had kind of a spacy week. It started out with Martha lashing into me with a sarcastic barb that to be fair I probably deserved.

Last week Wed. was Valentine's Day which came and passed as it does every year for me: without fanfare. My feelings on Valentine's Day are as follows: yes, it is a greeting card holiday but what is the harm of doing something nice for each other?

That night we had co-ed ultimate practice and I convinced Cass to come play. She had previously mentioned that I never invite her to come learn the sport that I devote so much of my time to so on the evening in question I forced her to come play. We had a good time.

Thursday was Cass's birthday. Fortunately for me I had a meeting downtown (Sears Tower, 50 somthingth floor!) so I had a chance to stop by and pick up a new soccer ball and some socks for her. That night we had a good game and another victory for 4 Ton Mantis. Cass's parents and Jay watched us play which was fun and later Colin and Nate joined us at Tuman's for a birthday celebration. Cass got drunk, which as I said before is more cute than anything else.

Friday evening I took Cass out to dinner for her birthday. Dinner at Rosal's is always good. This time I got veal, which made me wonder what baby everything tastes like. I had a good time. Afterwards we journeyed to Logan Square for a night of poker. I lost my $10, mostly to Nate I believe. I'm okay with this since his hair is growing out and I can convince myself that I lost my money to a feudal lord.

Saturday I had an ultimate game against DePaul. We won 17-10 in about three inches of snow. It was a blast but it didn't really help us evaluate anything in the way of what we need to work on. Sloppy conditions more than lack of experience changed the game. Saturday night Andre and Katie were in town for Katie's birthday and they invited me and Cass downtown for dinner and drinks along with Katie's brothers and Gabe and Emily. These people are always good company. Andre was entertaining as always.

Sunday morning I made waffles and had Ultimate practice. Practice turned out to be a good workout and strategy session. Our meeting after was entertaining and productive. Then we went to Logan Square for games and conversation that was not productive and only marginally entertaining. Then I stopped talking to the dog and had a good time with everyone there.

As I typed all that out I realized I had a busy week last week. That's what I meant when I said it was a spacy week because I barely remember


TaylorStreet said...
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TaylorStreet said...
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TaylorStreet said...
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TaylorStreet said...

My typed vitriol seems to be exceeding my actual, as evidenced by the previous deleted remarks. I fear that I may be shooting sparrows instead of vultures, and have thus removed them.

You remark that you found our Sunday evening to be unproductive and not quite entertaining.
This wounds both my pride, and my hope that my loved ones are in good spirits.

I am bothered, and perhaps a bit hurt, that you did not enjoy yourself. I hope that you will share with me in more detail the nature of your displeasure.


Caleb said...

Just a joke. I will fix it so that it is obvious.

TaylorStreet said...

While I find the new, edited version of your post to be humorous, Bear does not.

Caleb said...

Look, Bear is perfectly nice and I like him just fine I just can't have a conversation one-on-one with that dog.