"We, as a group, look very good."
Brian and Liz's wedding was great. I don't think that group of friends has had a more complete gathering in many years. It was great to see so many people I don't get to see often enough. Highlights for me include:
-best man speech
-DJ's attempted recognition of CPD met by unbridled apathy from the officers
-Cass getting drunk and proudly announcing that she had at least 3 1/2 glasses of wine
-realizing I have friends (plural) who know all the words to HollaBack Girl
-little kids breakdancing
"So you didn't rally?"
"Does rally mean sleep? Then yeah I did."
Dave and I started a baseball blog so as not to overload our personal blogs with that stuff. If you are interested check it out.
"Get me some Combos!"
It's officially the offseason because I have to adjust my schedule to not having things to do three days a week. I'm trying to run or workout every day but having so much more free time when it's dark outside is lame. At least my Netflix queue will see more activity.
"You guys really have your stuff together."
I motion that you wear a suit every day, because you look like such a stud in suits.
Will someone second this?
Such a good time. And, oh man, the Combos thing was hilarious.
Second the suits thing. Also loved the police antipathy.
in my defense, combos are delicious and 3 1/2 glasses of wine is A LOT. i matched that last weekend @ MegaMarts' though--i must be turning into a heavyweight!
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