Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm choking on my own rage here. (2009)

The above quote is in honer of the Simpsons 20th Anniversary.


Movie: Where the Wild Things Are
A delightful movie that really hit where it was aiming: this is how it feels to be a kid. Out of control of you own emotions and trapped in your own world. Max creates a beautiful escape. The animatronic/CGI Wild Things looked amazing.
Runner-Up: Up
*special note: I didn't see a ton of movies I wanted to: Hurt Locker, Fantastic Mr. Fox, A Serious Man, The Informant, Inglorious Basterds, Big Fan, Up In the Air so this pick could easily change.

Television: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
This past/current season may be the best the show has ever done. Last season they almost seemed to go too big with things, closing with a musical finale that was well done but didn't feel in the spirit of the show. This season they returned to a more grounded focus (although they had some broad episodes like The Gang Wrestles for the Troops) on the five main characters. Frank got more insane; DeVito will do anything I think.
Runner-Up: Better Off Ted

Music: Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Peppy dance beats, good singing, very very catchy.
Runner-Up: The Thermals - Now We Can See

Athlete: Albert Pujols
.334/.427.628. That's Pujols's career line. Those are his average numbers. If he plays ten more years at this rate he could hit 800 homeruns. Of course we'll see a decline at the end because people don't hit more homeruns after they turn 32 than before right?
Runner-Up: Prince Fielder (yay)


Movie: The Orphan
Silly plot, bad acting, boring pacing, and you know what terrible lighting too.
Runner-Up: Obsessed

TV: Jersey Shore
This is not one of those "They are so terrible it's interesting" things. They are not interesting at all. Stop giving bad people TV shows.
Runner-Up: The Jay Leno Show (I swear if this schedule redo goes through Conan should just walk.)

Music: The Boxmasters - Modbilly
See here.
Runner-Up: Chris Brown the human being

Athlete: Tiger Woods
Although I will admit that it amuses how everyone is saying how this mistake(s) is going to cost him so much money. He has a billion dollars. Even if his endorsements stop right now and she takes half he still has 500 million dollars. I want you to comprehend how many lifetimes you and I would have to work to make that much money.
Runner-Up: Donte Stallworth

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