Hope everyone had a good holiday. This song was chosen not based on nothing.
You and me we were the pretenders
We let it all slip away
In the end what you don't surrender
Well the world just strips away
Girl, ain't no kindness in the face of strangers
Ain't gonna find no miracles here
Well you can wait on your blesses my darling
I got a deal for you right here
I ain't looking for praise or pity
I ain't coming 'round searching for a crutch
I just want someone to talk to
And a little of that human touch
Just a little of that human touch
Ain't no mercy on the streets of this town
Ain't no bread from heavenly skies
Ain't nobody drawing wine from this blood
It's just you and me tonight
Tell me, in a world without pity
Do you think what I'm asking is too much
I just want something to hold on to
And a little of that human touch
Just a little of that human touch
Oh girl that feeling of safety that you prize
Well it comes at a hard hard price
You can't shut off the risk and the pain
Without losing the love that remains
We're all riders on this train
So you've been broken and you've been hurt
Show me somebody who ain't
Yeah, i know i ain't nobody's bargain
But, hell, a little touch up and a little paint...
You might need something to hold on to
When all the answers, they don't amount to much
Somebody that you could just to talk to
And a little of that human touch
Baby, in a world without pity
Do you think what I'm asking is too much
I just want to feel you in my arms
Share a little of that human touch
Feel a little of that human touch
Give me a little of that human touch

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So one of the things that Cass does that makes me love her so is sending me pictures during lunch. Cass gets to stop home for lunch now that she's so close to home. I used to do this when we lived in the West Loop and it was great to see the pups in the middle of the day. Cass knows I miss this so she sends me pictures during her break of the pups or sometimes of random things (i.e. a bag of Oreos we forgot about that she stumbled upon).
Today I get a message with the only text reading "OMG." Here is the picture that came with it:
So just a quick note that if anyone out there thought they had the cutest dog in the world they were wrong.
Colin and Kristin's wedding was a blast. It was great to see O'Holl and Jenny, Dave and Mendy, Nate and Laura, Angela and all the other travelers in addition to everyone else. I had a great time and they really did things right.
I think we are removed enough from the event that I can reveal that Cass got ridiculously sick after the wedding. That's why we were only at the afterparty for maybe ten minutes. Sorry we couldn't hang out more but you can only cram so much enjoyment in one night.
To Colin and Kristin: I think you guys managed to beat us for farthest guest voyage for attendance. I am impressed.
Today I get a message with the only text reading "OMG." Here is the picture that came with it:

Colin and Kristin's wedding was a blast. It was great to see O'Holl and Jenny, Dave and Mendy, Nate and Laura, Angela and all the other travelers in addition to everyone else. I had a great time and they really did things right.
I think we are removed enough from the event that I can reveal that Cass got ridiculously sick after the wedding. That's why we were only at the afterparty for maybe ten minutes. Sorry we couldn't hang out more but you can only cram so much enjoyment in one night.
To Colin and Kristin: I think you guys managed to beat us for farthest guest voyage for attendance. I am impressed.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
For Colin and Kristin
It's not Thanksgiving yet but it's a more important day.
I've been working real hard, trying to get my hands clean,
Tonight we'll drive that dusty road from Monroe to Angeline,
To buy you a gold ring and pretty dress of blue,
Baby just one kiss will get these things for you,
A kiss to seal our fate tonight,
A kiss to prove it all night.
Prove it all night,
Girl there's nothing else that we can do,
So prove it all night, prove it all night,
And girl I'll prove it all night for you.
Everybody's got a hunger, a hunger they can't resist,
There's so much that you want, you deserve much more than this,
But if dreams came true, oh, wouldn't that be nice,
But this ain't no dream we're living through tonight,
Girl, you want it, you take it, you pay the price.
Prove it all night, prove it all night girl and call the bluff,
prove it all night, prove it all night and girl,
I prove it all night for your love.
Baby, tie your hair back in a long white bow,
Meet me in the fields out behind the dynamo,
You hear the voices telling you not to go,
They made their choices and they'll never know,
What it means to steal, to cheat, to lie,
What it's like to live and die.
To prove it all night...
I've been working real hard, trying to get my hands clean,
Tonight we'll drive that dusty road from Monroe to Angeline,
To buy you a gold ring and pretty dress of blue,
Baby just one kiss will get these things for you,
A kiss to seal our fate tonight,
A kiss to prove it all night.
Prove it all night,
Girl there's nothing else that we can do,
So prove it all night, prove it all night,
And girl I'll prove it all night for you.
Everybody's got a hunger, a hunger they can't resist,
There's so much that you want, you deserve much more than this,
But if dreams came true, oh, wouldn't that be nice,
But this ain't no dream we're living through tonight,
Girl, you want it, you take it, you pay the price.
Prove it all night, prove it all night girl and call the bluff,
prove it all night, prove it all night and girl,
I prove it all night for your love.
Baby, tie your hair back in a long white bow,
Meet me in the fields out behind the dynamo,
You hear the voices telling you not to go,
They made their choices and they'll never know,
What it means to steal, to cheat, to lie,
What it's like to live and die.
To prove it all night...
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

That stands for How I Met Your Mother You Are Better Than This.
A while back I had a conversation with someone not imaginary (this isn't a standup bit) about the best shows on TV and they picked HIMYM for best comedy. I said I could respect the decision but couldn't agree because the show falls back on sitcom conventions a lot and while it does them well I like a show like Community that tries off-the-wall things and uses conventions to misdirect. But this post isn't about how great Community is, it's about how terrible this past episode of HIMYM was and how the show is capable of better.
The episode was a post-Halloween one and the plots were all trite and dumb. Examine:
- Marshall fires a coworker and has an attack of conscience. The guy wanted to be fired for the severance so Marshall when hires him back and he purposely tries to get fired.
THE TRITE: This is pretty standard for a sensitive-male character on a sitcom. Also the guy getting fired and wanting to be fired so he does his job poorly is pretty well worn territory too.
THE DUMB: First any attack of conscience Marshall had should've been gone when he found out Randy wanted to be fired. It takes bizarre sitcom logic to decide that hiring someone back who wanted to be fired is a moral highpoint. Second, no one can make you take a job back. Once he was fired Randy could've just walked. And lastly a person actively trying to get fired and doing so much wrong can be fired for cause. A standard clause in any job is that if you are fired for cause you are not entitled to benefits. This is a storyline that only works in a sitcom universe that ignores real world logic.
- Ted is popular with his students and is the "cool teacher." This all changes when the girl who is protesting the building he designing for GNB joins his class and turns his class against him.
THE TRITE: Someone from outside a character's job invading his job life and wrapping personal issue up in the professional life is basic sitcom storyline #8.
THE DUMB: This storyline bothered me like crazy. Ted can be really hard to like at times but this was a time when I hated him. Being the cool teacher who's friends with all his students is not a good thing. The only people who like those kinds of teachers are idiots. As a professor you don't want your student's friendship, you want their respect. This is obvious to anyone who has ever taught and the more you try to be a friend the less respect you will get. I'm not saying you have to be mean and humorless. Students respect human beings so be human but playing hackysack and grabbing beers with your students is the dumbest thing ever and doesn't make him sympathetic. I can't believe it took the whole episode for him to come even close to this realization and tell his students to stop behaving like petulant brats. Also the protest is dumb and the argument against it isn't "boo-freaking-hoo," it's "if no buildings ever got torn down because they were old then no buildings would ever get built." It's New York and old buildings are everywhere. If one is run down and falling apart ripping it down isn't a disgrace, it's a good idea and progress.
- Robin is feeling jealous of the attention her co-anchor is getting for a commercial she did and because she's cute. Robin goes out and shoots an embarrassing commercial for adult diapers.
THE TRITE: Embarrassing commercials are pretty standard and adult diapers is a pretty easy target.
THE DUMB: This commercial would never exist. It is beyond stupid even in a sitcom world. Also compromising like this makes it seem like Robin's professionalism is a mask and that she really wants attention. I can understand her feeling a little miffed at all the attention Becky receives but I can't understand her deciding the best thing to do is sell-out her ideals and do a commercial just like Becky did.
All of this stuff is annoying and made for a crappy episode even if some moments were amusing. What really pushed it over the top was the guys and their after Halloween ritual of standing on the stoop mocking the people doing costumed walk-of-shames in the morning. I don't have a problem with this as a premise in itself but the problem was the execution. The guys stand on the stoop and mock women for hooking up with people the night before. The jokes are all costume based but it comes across as incredibly misogynistic. Mocking guys in the same way should've been no problem and Lily could've joined in too just for some balance on the other side as well. It seems especially misogynistic for Barney to be out there doing it when he is guilty of hooking up with random girls all the time. It really made me hate all of the guys on the show.
The point is HIMYM can be a really good show at times and the writing is clever. This was not their finest moment; it may have been their worst. There was little to no purpose to anything in the episode at all and the morning-after slut-shaming scene is one of the worst things I've seen on TV in a while. Keep in mind I watch like four TV shows. I'm sure there are people on reality TV that are doing worse things as I type this.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
I voted based entirely on funny anagrams I could make with the candidates' names.

Random Tuesday Thoughts:
- I voted today. It felt good as it had been some time since I did that. I don't know, when I was renting year to year registering to vote seemed like a hassle. Well now I'm a homeowner and have opinions that can be translated to an integer increase next to someone's name. USA! USA! USA!
- Congrats to the Giants. I didn't have any vested interest in the series and would've been happier to see it go to a sixth game at least. Oh well. That pitching staff is awesome (seriously that MVP trophy should've read "Every Giants Pitcher except Jonathan Sanchez) and all locked up until 2012 at the earliest. Pretty awesome. Hahaha the highest paid player on their roster is Barry Zito. People who don't laugh at that don't know what a baseball is.
- Chicagoween was a success. I married the right woman.
- Fielder gets cuter everyday and Charlie is seriously the best big brother. Hi Luke.
- Community is still the best show even though Parks and Rec not being on is bumming me out something crazy.
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