Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Anticipation is a sweet smell.

I know it's not even Christmas yet but I can't help but look forward to the new year already. This new year is going to be a huge change for me as it will be the first year wherein I am not in school. I have to find a job and start working like a normal adult. This doesn't frighten me as I have made myself marketable over the past seven and one half years.

I don't want to focus on the big things just yet. Right now I'm actually looking forward to a lot of little stuff on the periphery of importance. Here's some stuff I am looking forward to:

Movies I am looking forward to seeing:
This movie looks so awesome. I saw the trailer (that link is there so that you will go watch both trailers so do it now [said in slurred Arnold accent]) before The Departed and two seconds into it I knew what it was and I got completely pumped. Marty, thanks for buying this for me (two years ago I think). I just get the feeling that I am going to walk out of the theater looking to start a fight with some random jokers.

TMNT and Transformers have a long way to go to get me motivated beyond "Do you realize 80s cartoons?"

Books I am looking forward to reading:
Watership Down
I never got a chance to read this in school so I had overlooked it until recently when a friend told me it is one of only two books that ever made her cry.

Live From New York
The real stories behind SNL sounded kind of "meh" to me until someone read it and said that it is very candid and funny. Apparently Chevy Chase is some kind of jerk.

Television I am looking forward to watching:
Last season was kind of contrived and predicatble, but last season also saw Jack Bauer shooting the terrorist who murdered his friends in the face. That is how good this show is; even when I am bored by the plot someone is being murdered in the most awesome way possible.

Of course I am also looking forward to continuing to watch The Office, Scrubs, and (I say this with prayer to nondenominational God) Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

Music I am looking forward to hearing:
Into Eternity
Harmonizing metal guitars? Check.
Awesome wailing hair metal voice? Check.
Canadian? Check.

The Thermals and Be Your Own Pet are two albums I purchased recently but didn't get a chance to listen to closely. Cursory review suggests marks in positive.

1 comment:

Jay M. said...

24? Seriously?
I know I'm taking a completely one-sided view here, but some people actually believe that Keifer Sutherland is going to save our country from various forms of evil.

I mean, come on, he's at least gotta have Rambo as a sidekick.