Friday, December 22, 2006

"Punch him, you stupid goomba!"

Attending an opening night screening of Rocky Balboa with CT and JM. I don't want to say I was dragged into it but I am glad that I had whiskey packed. My review:

I think Stallone overestimates and underestimates his audience in this movie. He doesn't do anything to make his opponent in this movie likable, which I feel is a mistake. It's a Rocky movie so the fans would be cheering for Rocky anyway. I thought the movie should have been about passing the torch.

Then he overestimates his audience with the ending. I don't want to spoil it, but I guarantee more than half the audience walked out of the theater disappointed. I got the ending, I just felt that it didn't have the impact it should have.

Are there good moments? Yes. A lot of them are nostalgia related though, meaning you'll say to yourself "Haha I remember that from Rocky X" (X being a variable here, not a ten). The musical score is there although "Eye of the Tiger" is not which kind put me in a down mood.

There are points in the movie where it really seems like Sly gets it and knows exactly what he is doing. Then there are times where he seems lost and unable to come up with the right lines. His reasons for fighting are especially lacking.

Overall, this movie is enjoyable for a die hard Rocky fan and not much else. Also, be drunk when you see it.

Apologies to JM for not making it clear that I had whiskey with me. I in no way intended for you to be sober.

One more note: prior to the movie they showed a trailer for a new movie called "Blood and Chocolate." I couldn't come up with a better joke title if I tried. Watch the trailer and try not to laugh when the title comes up.

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