Movie: No Country for Old Men
This film challenges you and rewards you for thinking about the things we want and why we want them. The violence is not neat and clean. It is a fast and unexpected. This is a gritty, gritty movie. Tommy Lee Jones is wonderful in this even though Javier Bardem is the character everyone will remember.
Runner-Up: Ratatouille
Television: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
This show is incredible for it's characters and it's situations that it places them in. It is one thing to have an illiterate doofus as a character on TV, it's another to have him huff glue and spray paint and sing songs about someone breaking into his room and raping him.
Runner-Up: The Office
Music: Dethklok - Dethalbum
Brendon Small is funny. I knew this. Brendon Small is talented. I knew this. Brendon Small is funnier and more talented than I gave him credit for and this album is great. It is both a parody of a metal album and a great metal album.
Runner-Up: The National - Boxer
Athlete: Brett Favre
Does the American media have a broner for Favre? Yes. Is it annoying? Yes. Is it deserved? Yes.
Runner-Up: Devin Hester
Movie: Eastern Promises
Cronenberg is called edgy because he shoots things considered raw and dangerous. He is in fact vulgar. What he does adds nothing to the stories or dramas he is filming. It just makes them gross.
Runner-Up: Balls of Fury (no I don't need to see it to decide this)
TV: Fashionably Late with Stacy London
Runner-Up: Deal or No Deal
Music: The New Pornographers - Challengers
This wins by default. I didn't buy a lot of bad music this year and this was just disappointing is all.
Runner-Up: Motion City Soundtrack - Even If It Kills Me (same as above)
Athlete: Barry Bonds
This blog has nothing to do with Barry Bonds.
Runner-Up: Michael Vick
I liked the New Pornos album.
I guess I can see how it could be underwhelming.
There are three underwhelming songs on Challengers. Many of them are pretty great, though, albeit different from the last couple albums.
Overall the feeling seems a little more melody driven, and the lead gets shared by a lot of different band members.
Neko Case sounds awesome on Go Places and Challengers and the hooks on Unguided, All The Old Showstoppers, and My Rights Vs. Yours are top notch.
Entering White Cecilia blows pretty hard though, so I'll give you that.
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