I read this list over at Kotaku. They did a pretty good job, and I can't say I've played all the games listed so I can't complain about the list too much, except I'm totally going to do that.
I won't ever be able to comment on Ghost Trick because I hated the Phoenix Wright games so damn much. I must be the only one. Ninja Gaiden was fun but the controls were so frustratingly specific that it was aggravating to play it at times.
Here's my top five though, in order:
1) The World Ends With You
They got the stuff about TWEWY just right. That game was fun and the characters and story were so great.
2) Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes
I can't find enough people to play this game against. I want a lot of them.
3) Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
4) The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass
All that stuff they said about Spirit Tracks was bull. The train was annoying, not fun in anyway. Sailing around was a million times more fun.
5) Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
This post was brought on by me playing the game Luke got me for Christmas: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I don't think I like it very much. It's ok, I guess, but if you're going to have those first two words in your title I expect more than ok.
And yeah I'm avoiding posting about something major that happened recently (hint: I named my dog after him) that I should really get to. I will. I'm just processing I guess.
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