Monday, September 18, 2006

Horse Sense

I had an interview today to become an analyst at the Horse Racing Lab. I won't say how I thought it went because my perspective on these things is somewhat skewed.

I did want to take the time and just lay out my philosophy regarding interviews. I try to be as open as I can while maintaining some sense of professionalism. This refers to everything I do. Dress, talk, dance, etc. My thought is that I am a commodity and they should want to hire me. I shouldn't have to pretend to be someone else in order to get the job. Me will show up if they do hire me anyway, so why fake it in the interview?

That isn't to say that I am judgemental of those who play themselves up in interviews, or even resumes. It makes sense that you want to work and that you want to present the best characteristics, even if they aren't your own. It's just not for me.

Also ran a mile this morning. I need two things: a stopwatch and a bathroom scale. To steal a joke from Louis CK, I want to go buy these in a weird combination to freak out the people at Target. "Hi, I need a stopwatch, a bathroom scale, a bicycle pump, and some shampoo."

1 comment:

marthamatters said...

I try to act like you when I'm being interviewed. I am currently unemployed but 100% genuine(ly you),