Sunday, September 17, 2006

What's the opposite of "emptier?" It's "filler." Not really, but that's kind of what this post will be.

Frisbee practice got lighteninged out today, leaving me with a little bit more free time and extra calories to burn. And also very few interesting stories.

A few random thoughts:
-I need to find a way to work "hoi polloi" into a post because it is fun to say.
-The Packers are not a very good football team.
-How I Met Your Mother is a fun show, but isn't really multi-layered.
-I need new cleats. I need to figure out how much I can spend on cleats.

I finished Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman. I enjoyed it but I can't help but wonder why so much of what is written now is reimagining existing characters. Would this story be as compelling if the characters were original? Maybe not. Why is there a lack of strong new characters in the major comic universes? Is there really or am I just not paying attention? These are questions that don't need answers but I suspect that my brother is the one who will answer them for me.

1 comment:

TaylorStreet said...

Dave Navarro always gets punched first. Unless Stephen Glass is also shirtless (as Navarro always is), in which case he gets hit first.