Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Unnecessary Movie Review: Breakfast at Tiffany's

A bit of background:
IMDB average user rating: 7.8/10
Rotten Tomatoes rating: 84% fresh
Nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay
I had heard this movie was wonderful and a classic. I had heard Audrey Hepburn was divine as Holly Golightly. I had heard that this was a must see amongst my Netflix list now over 100.
This movie is bad.
In all fairness, Audrey Hepburn does a fine job with what she had. She was beautiful and passionate. She could not have done more.
My problems are myriad. I didn't feel anything for the characters. Not an instant of feeling sorry, sad, happy, anything. Every character was unlikable but not even to the point of being interesting. The dialogue was so overdramatic and unbelievable that it took me completely out of the film.
Most of everything in the movie was cliche. Did this movie create a lot of cliches? Maybe, but they are cliches I hate, so this movie can eat fist.
This movie left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't even feel compelled to make an A*Team joke.


Megan said...

agreed! Marty and I just saw the first Pink Panther last night and had similar reactions.

Cass said...

i was there, and felt like a 5 year old wiggling around in my seat waiting impatiently...ARE WE THERE YET????!!!